Our Mission
To provide clean energy to the earth, provide affordable communication means to promote development, and to lead the world to an advanced stage.

Jet stream is strong wind stream which is produced at the altitude of 10 ~ 16km. Its speed is average 100 mph. This jet stream is endless and renewable energy source without any pollution. For this reason, there are many institutions try to generate electricity from the jet stream and suggested ways to harness this strong wind stream just like windmill generates electricity.
Above shows all the suggested ways to harness the jet stream. However, they all use tether which is impractical in these days technology and ineffective even if achieved due to meandering characteristic of jet stream's.
Our way to harness jet stream to generate electricity
We use an airship mounting turbine. This airship cruise in and out of the jet stream. When the airship cruise in the jet stream, the turbine on the airship generate electricity with the speed difference of jet stream and airship. When the airship cruise out of the jet stream, the momentum gained from the jet stream turn the turbine out of the jet stream.
Simplified version of the airship mounting turbine.

This picture shows one of simplified direction of airship's direction. There are many possible directions of airship in the jet stream to generate the most electricity efficiently and effectively. We achieve those navigations using automonous system. This picture also illustrates our way of transmission of electricity to the ground and aircrafts in the air. We mainly use laser to transmit electricity generated in the jet stream. We also adopt the airship landing on the ground to transmit electricity.
Our Business

We have two business models.
One is to sell electricity to the ground for resident and commercial use. We will sell our electricity to the company run large solar cell facility, such as, Nellis solar power plant in U.S.A, Canal Solar Power Project in India, Erlasee Solar Park in France, we will sell electricity all around the world.

The other business is communication. There is a concept for replacing satellites due to high cost of satellites. It is called HAPS(High Altitude Pseudo Satellite) or HAA(High Altitude Airship). Its main purpose is to relay communication, and it is far less expensive than satellites.

It stays at the altitude of 18~20 km. one biggest problem to run HAPS or HAA is shortage of power to run itself. To make it geostatic, it requires energy. To run communication device, it also requires electricity. Even if HAPS use solar cell to collect electricity, it is not enough to run HAPS. We will provide electricity from airship mounting turbine to HAPS for its consumption by laser.
Since our HAPS system is geostatics, it provide better and cheaper communication service than any other communication company, such as, AT&T, Verizon, Google's Loon, and Facebook's Aquila.